The same as the shape of an object

Troy Gronsdahl, The same as the shape of an object Troy Gronsdahl, The same as the shape of an object Troy Gronsdahl, The same as the shape of an objectTroy Gronsdahl, The same as the shape of an object Troy Gronsdahl, The same as the shape of an object Troy Gronsdahl, The same as the shape of an object

The same as the shape of an object [Specific Objects], 2016
hand-bound book, 28 pages, offset and digital print

The text in this book is derived from Donald Judd’s essay, “Specific Objects,” first published in 1965. Each paragraph of the original essay has been transposed to a single page and unused sections of text removed to reveal a composition of words and phrases. This work fits within a larger series of remediated text works I’ve produced from historically-significant texts about art. This book has been created with the support of the Saskatchewan Arts Board. I am grateful for their support.